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Trainman in partnership with IRCTC let you Book Train Tickets Easily. It is a one-stop solution for Booking Train Tickets online, for checking PNR status, and predicting Ticket confirmation status before booking. We are the highest rated booking app on Playstore for Booking Train tickets and Prediction of waiting for tickets with 95 percent accuracy. One can easily look for trains between stations and get to book tickets based on train classes. People can also enquire about other Rail services such as train schedule and running status which helps passengers in planning their railway journey. After booking your Trains at Trainman, you can come back to checking your PNR status for getting to know the confirmation status. Trainman uses Predictive analysis for accurately predicting the PNR status. You can easily get to know your confirmation chances. Railway fare enquiry is also available for all travel classes like first ac, second ac, third ac, Garib-rath, sleeper, chair car and second seating with concessional fare for senior citizens. So after comparing the train tickets prices of trains on similar routes you can make informed decisions about which train to be booked. One can also check out some really handy tips and tricks which makes train travelling easier. It is the most preferred railway site for train info owing to its high accuracy and user-friendliness.

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Four hacks to make your tickets cheaper

If you frequently book train tickets online, you may have noticed how quickly fares rise when you search for a specific destination on...

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